Saturday, October 28, 2017

The cry of a believer at the end of her tether..

the widow of Zarephath  (1 king 17:10) was not an Israelite  but she apparently believed in God. Amidst the famine as she was preparing to make the last brad for herself and the son, her's would have been a heart of anguish and helplessness. Why has not her God been faithful in meeting her needs? There was no man at home to search for food for her. She was going to starve after her meal and worse still see her beloved son starve to death.

In today's context in the war torn ares of middle east and Africa can you hear the inner turmoil of so many widows of Zarephath? Will hep come in the form of Elijas? How many will have the joy of being able to have oi filled jars and flour enough to meet the need of the day and how many are going to face starvation and death?

Will their God answer them or is there going to be silence..

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